If you own and operate your own plumbing business, you probably don’t spend a substantial amount of time considering plumbing marketing ideas, social media strategies, or other business plans. Instead, you likely focus on the tasks that help your business grow each day: solving plumbing problems...
to bulk soil C storage; and provide spatially explicit data to facilitate reliable soil C predictions via separating direct C losses from total root-derived C inputs. 1. Introduction Globally, mineral soil is the largest terrestrial carbon (C) reservoir, mediating C exchanges among other C rese...
Even though the insect has been the subject of study for more than 100 years3, it still remains a major threat to coffee production and no consistently reliable pest management strategies are available to manage the insect. We have sequenced the genome of female coffee berry borers in an ...
The tomato russet mite (TRM), Aculops lycopersici (Eriophyidae), is a key pest of cultivated tomatoes worldwide, in addition to its infestation of other cultivated and wild Solanaceae; however, fundamental information, vital for developing effective management strategies, is absent, especially ...
It has been shown that strategies to support pollinators enhances overall biodiversity and associated ecosystem services like biological pest control, soil and water protection, and soil erosion (Wratten et al., 2012). So far, no significant effect of organic versus conventional vineyard management ...