If a firewall is activated it is necessary to have exceptions for ports 80,443, the subnet of the docker bridge which includes the Nextcloud containers, your public static IP (if you don't use DDNS) and if applicable your NC-Talk ports 3478 TCP+UDP: If you have the NAS setup on ...
“By collaborating seamlessly, Seagate and Synology deliver a reliable storage and backup solution for businesses to safeguard their valuable data.”BarraCuda Pro 14TB – versatile desktop performanceAs a result of the exponential rise of online interactions across a host of industries, and the ...
Thanks for the reply William, I used that too before, and used it again now, but could not pinpoint any specific process other then multiple sessions of NTOSKRNL (please see picture below) as of now it is 9:50 AM and it is over 80% CPU, by the afternoon, it will go 100% until...