What 9mm pistol is most accurate? “The Glock 19 is one of the most accurate and reliable handguns available.” The Glock 19 is likely the most popular 9mm handgun of all time—and with good reason. The 19 pioneered the compact size category, but it still comes standard with 15-round ...
Glocks in general are some of the best overall 9mm pistols because they are relatively cheap, very reliable, simple to operate, compact, and accurate. This is why they are so popular with civilians who just need an accurate short range handgun for self-defense. Check Inventory Springfield Tacti...
According to GunBroker, the P365 was the best selling handgun of 2019 thanks to it’s being an extremely reliablemicro-compact weapon. The 9mmhandgunoffers a 10+1 magazine and is perfect for concealed carry. You can carry this pistol on your belt, boot, or just about any other spot you ...
The LifeCard is a single-shot,.22-caliberhandgun that carries another four rounds in the grip. And since the gun folds into a pistol shape before firing, it transfers like any other unrestricted handgun. Altogether, the LifeCard weighs a whopping 7 ounces. (Photo by Andy Grossman) How The ...