On various levels, O-Ren Ishii is among the most iconic characters under Tarantino's belt, regardless of film or gender. Portrayed by an actress known for her martial arts films, it's off the bat worth noting that Lucy Liu is among the most recognizable performers of the early 2000s, th...
Instantly recognizable for his role as Jim Levenstein in the American Pie film series, Jason Biggs has built a career on his relatable, everyman charm. Balancing both comedy and drama in projects such as Orange Is the New Black, Biggs has proven his talent as an actor. With his affable on...
After Taylor Swift, the "Mona Lisa" is probably the most recognizable female face in the world. Every day around 20,000 people stare at the Leonard da Vinci's painting in the Louvre. Yet it became famous not because of a tempting smile. Until a worker stole the masterpiece in 1911,it...
After Taylor Swift, the "Mona Lisa" is probably the most recognizable female face in the world. Every day around 20,000 people stare at the Leonardo da Vinci's painting in the Louvre. Yet it became famous not because of a tempting semi-smile. Until a worker stole the masterpiece in 191...
46 1,887 votes instantly recognizable for his role as jim levenstein in the american pie film series, jason biggs has built a career on his relatable, everyman charm. balancing both comedy and drama in projects such as orange is the new black, biggs has proven his talent as an actor. ...
Angela Mao is another Kung film actress from the 1970’s, most recognizable for films like ‘Hapkido’ and a supporting role in ‘Enter the Dragon’ as Lee’s sister. Enter the Dragon was a movie which really showcased diversity of race (3 main characters being Asian, Caucasian and African...
Often considered the poster girl for League of Legends with her sheer number features on promotional material, Lux is one of the most instantly recognizable female LoL champions. Bright, colorful, and always looking on the bright side (quite literally), Lux is a beloved champion adored by vetera...
Rocking one of the most instantly recognizable silhouettes in all of gaming, this man-shaped stack of bricks is the enduring symbol of Minecraft. He may be a man of few – or more accurately - zero words, yet Steve’s role as a mute protagonist makes him the perfect blank slate to ...
Today, they’re among the most recognizable K-pop artists in the world. Their massive global fan-following gives them an undisputed spot among the top YouTube celebs and puts them at the top 10 most subscribed Youtube channels. Blackpink has been dubbed the “world’s biggest girl group,”...
CharactersMost Oversexualized Female Video Game CharactersMost Ridiculous Unlockable Characters in Video GamesMost Mysterious Video Game Characters List Stats 300 votes112 listings71 comments Top Remixes Mario Sonic the Hedgehog Scorpion Mario Crash Bandicoot Sonic the Hedgehog Rouge the Bat Koopa Troopa ...