We find that all the core collapse supernovae that we have studied are associated with vigorous star formation in the recent past. Stars more massive than 21.5Msun are very scarce around SNR N49, implying that the magnetar SGR 0526-66 in this SNR was either formed elsewhere or came from ...
Something wildly potent must produce these jets of energy that travel through space, and scientists say they're caused by the collapse and explosion of enormous stars, events called supernovae. For a star to go supernova, it must be quite massive — at least eight times the size of the ...
Barring new physics, supernovae with a light output over 3× {10}erg must be rotationally powered, either during the explosion itself or after, the most obvious candidate being a rapidly rotating magnetar. A magnetar-based model for the recent transient event, ASASSN-15lh is presented that ...
A supernova (the explosion of a massive star) triggered star formation from dense clouds of gas and dust. 子句类型: 状语从句 连接词:IF 分句-2 The most massive star to be formed from the cloud evolved into a supernova and triggered a new round of star formation, and so on. ...
Astrophysicists are fairly well satisfied that they can account for the explosions of supernovae. The novae and dwarf novae have presented more of a puzzle. I shall describe recent investigations that have provided important new information about these two classes of exploding star. The picture ...
And for a star to go supernova, it must be quite massive — at least eight times the size of the sun. But for a supernova to produce the strongest type of gamma-ray burst, the star must be 30 to 40 times the size of the sun. This recent powerful detection came from such a ...
Machine-learning technology developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory played a key role in the discovery of supernova ASASSN-15lh, an exceptionally powerful explosion that was 570 billion times brighter than the sun and more than twice as luminous as t
Some scientists believe that a cloud was formed as a result of the supernova explosion that occurred about 6 thousand years ago. If the theory is true, then the “Pillars of Creation” themselves no longer exist, but because of the speed of light, we will be able to observe their ...
The element gold is a pirate's booty and an ingredient in microcircuits. It's been used to make jewelry since at least 4000 B.C. and to treat cancer only in recent decades. It's in the pot at the end of the rainbow and in the coating on astronaut visors. Gold is an element that...
Mauricio Bustamante, a Fellow of the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics at Ohio State, explained that the new computer model is a natural outgrowth of recent findings inastroparticle physics, such as the first confirmed cosmic neutrinos detected at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the ...