Seven Mass Shootings in 2012 Most since 1999Byline: Grant Duwe, SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES If it seemed like 2012 was an especially...Duwe, Grant
These are just a few recent examples amonghundreds this year alone. Curiously enough, in the midst of the finger-pointing over the latest round of mass shootings, Americans have been so focused on debating who or what is responsible for gun violence—the guns, the gun owners, the ...
In an analysis of 2019 mass shootings and hospital locations, researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) found that the closest hospital to more than 70% of mass shootings was a non-trauma center, where sudden, high casualty loads were more likely to overwhelm capacity and trauma...
41% Blame Mental Health for Mass Shootings Christmas Goodwill Is Also Good Politics By Daniel McCarthy 10 New Ideas to Make America's Economy Great Again in 2025 By Stephen Moore December 23, 2024 31% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction ...
As America mourns the deaths after another mass shooting, it’s worth pausing to remember the lives of those lost in some of the country’s other deadly school shootings. Columbine High School: Littleton, Colo. FILE - Flowers and tokens laid at a makeshift memorial in remembrance of 13 ...
Following several recent mass shootings, more than one in four (26%) believe access to guns is the #1 threat to public health at this moment, roughly tied with opioids and fentanyl (25%). This represents a nearly 10 percentage point increase from earlier this year (26% now, 17% in Febr...
The self-appointed pandemic expert continues to raise eyebrows with his recent statements about an impending pandemic. During the interview withWSJEditor-in-Chief Emma Tucker, Gatesdeclared,“The chance of a natural pandemic in the next four years is somewhere between 10 and 15 percent.”His choic...
like theApalachee High School shootingin Georgia on Sept. 4, in whichtwo students and two teacherswere killed. Taken together, those incidents are also killing more kids than gun violence that does make national news, such as the mass shootings at Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Uvalde and ...
Most Dangerous Hour To Drive In New York State Assurance Most Dangerous Hour To Drive In New York State The PM rush hour, between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. is the most hazardous hour to drive in New York. In recent years there have been 286 fatal accidents during that hours. ...
MPOX does not exist as anything more than a marketing construct to boost stocks create fear and fuck the public. What kind of sick society hacks off part of natural body function? The Unintact States of America (USA) allows and celebrates this torture th