Discovering the first true "alien Earth" is a long-held dream of astronomers — and recent exoplanet discoveries have shown that small, rocky worlds like our own are abundant in our galaxy. Related articles: — Alien landscapes: 15 places on Earth that look exoplanetary — Planet classificat...
Space-time breakthroughs. Virgin births. A promising candidate for alien life. Science didn’t disappoint during our latest revolution around the sun.
Most Earthlike Planets Found Yet类地行星发现最新进展.pdf,Most Earthlike Planets Found Yet: A Breakthrough New exoplanets are at right distance from sun to support life, scientists say. Newfound exoplanet Kepler-62f is imagined in an illustration. The shi
(RGB) stars. Recent studies, however, report that red clump (RC) stars are more frequent than RGB stars. Here, we present a uniquely large systematic study that combines direct asteroseismic analysis and spectroscopy of the lithium-rich stars. The majority of lithium-rich stars are confirmed ...
55 Cancri e, an exoplanet orbiting around a Sun-like star, 55 Cancri A, about 41 light-years away, is believed to be filled with diamonds. The exoplanet is eight times more massive than the Earth and is twice as large. Due to its density (6.66 g cm3), some researchers suspect that...
Newfound exoplanet Kepler-62f is imagined in an illustration. The shining star to the right is Kepler-62e.Planet hunters are significantly closer to their goal of finding an "Earth twin" with the discovery of two planets similar in size to our own, astronomers with NASA's Kepler mission ...
Going forward, Kane and his colleagues will continue studying planetary systems like HR 5183. They’re currently using data fromNASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and the Keck Observatories in Hawaii to discover new planets, and examine the diversity of conditions under which potentially ha...
“This is the most up-to-date evaluation of the evolution of the lunar interior, synthesizing numerous recent developments to paint a new picture of the history of the mantle and how and where it may have been exposed on the lunar surface,” said Daniel Moriarty of NASA’s Goddard Space ...
Supernova. Credit: NASA An international team of astronomers, including Professor Bob Nichol from the University of Portsmouth, has confirmed the discovery of the most distant supernova ever detected – a huge cosmic explosion that took place 10.5 billion years ago, or three-quarters the age of ...
The problems facing galaxy formation studies are not as “clean” as, for instance, finding w in a dark energy-dominated cosmology, or water vapour in an exoplanet. Galaxy formation is a highly complex field, involving a large set of physical mechanisms. Such complex questions need large ...