most recent in the past— 晚近 the most valuable information (in your recent letter, book etc)— 敬悉 Ci Hai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, most recent edition 1999— 辞海 Pleistocene (geological epoch from 2m years ago, covering the most recent ice ages)— ...
What is BRICS and why could this year's summit be the most important one yet? Mon 21 Oct 9pm•President Putin is chairing the BRICS summit this week, bringing together the heads of state or government of the five founder countries plus new members. ...
In a recent ruling, the Shanghai High Court stated that cryptoassets have “property attributes,” and Chinese law does not prohibit them outright. However, these protections only exist for crypto as a commodity, not as currency or business instrument. These comments came in a fraud case ...
This government supports the genocide in Gaza. It is alien to the historic formation of the BRICS. From so many elements of pessimism and political depression, Kirchner’s Peronism needs to emerge rapidly and united. From our correspondent in Buenos Aires – 29 October 2024 Feature image: the ...
KARACHI, October 28 2024: In recent developments, a controversial fiscal measure has emerged: a higher tax on banking income derived from government securities. This tax is tied to the advance-to-deposit ratio (ADR), imposing an additional 10-15% charge on banks whose ADRs fall below 50% at...
For this reason, Denmark has been a steadfast ally in recent activities to counteract belligerent extremism in the Middle East, contributing foremost with humanitarian aid. Added 10 years ago by guest, 3 points Denmark has strong cultural bonds to the US. While Denmark, like the other Nordic ...
the US has been exposed as an emperor with no clothes whose nakedness is a source of embarrassment on a global stage that had grown accustomed to the finery and pageantry of American military power. The humiliation of the US Navy at the hands of the Houthi is but the most recent manifesta...
JAKARTA, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has praised the results of a recent pooling of 20 most beautiful countries by a prominent traveling media that ranked Indonesia the sixth for its cultural diversity and abundance of natural beauty. ...