10月游戏将上架 最近,宝可梦公司获得了与 NFT 技术相关的专利,外界猜测这项技术可能会应用于2024年10月30日推出的新游戏《宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏口袋》。目前,这款游戏已在App Store和Google Play上开放预注册。 根据日本专利局运营的专利信息平台J-PlatPat的资料显示,宝可梦公司...
And yeah, XP events make this even more profitable as well. How about cheats? Can you beat the Pokémon Go XP system? Some people try to force-quit the Pokémon Go app once an evolution starts, betting their phone is fast enough to relaunch before the evolution animation would have otherwi...
Though both types of Cheese can be quite profitable, they're also very handy in a pinch when out exploring. When your animals are happy and healthy, they have a greater chance to produce high-quality Milk which can be turned into high-quality Cheese. 11 Eggplant Parmesan Ingredients Buf...