Mass Suggestion hasn’t changed much in the new Player’s Handbook, but it was already an extremely powerful spell in its own right. Both versions of the spell allow you to give up to 12 creatures a short, realistic command (i.e. not causing them to hurt themselves or their friends). ...
when you play D&D, you can “enjoy a world where the fantastic is fact, and magic really works.” But you might find the “magic really works” thing challenging for your current playgroup if you have a lackluster set of spells in your arsenal. If you find your party’s spell-casting ...
Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Older Edition Spells You Should Use In Your 5e Game Utilize the ways of the ancient wizards. This allowed some of the most powerful casters to have access to spells that could create volcanoes or moving a mountain. After the fall of the Netheril Empire and the resur...
Players looking to make the most powerful Wizard can do well to build the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are a...
Sorcerers don't need refined training or spellbooks, so finding a way to incorporate a sorcerer's magic into a barbarian's background wouldn't be too difficult. The more interesting part of the combination come in mixing the sorcerer's spells with barbarian gameplay. There are some obvious ...
Even a level 1 non-spellcaster will be able to cast the most powerful spell in the game up to 3 times. In 5e, the wish spell has more limitations than in previous editions, but it can still make almost anything happen. When that power is in the players' hands and not the DMs, ...
Not everything in this world is created equal. Some animals are just faster. Some humans are just more beautiful. Some are tall. Some are short. Simply put, the same logic applies to the classes of Dungeons and Dragons. Although playing a powerful fantasy warrior is fun and all, some cla...