United Nations data estimates that Zambia is currently the 67th most populous country in the world, with a population of around 16 million. By 2050, that number is expected to grow to nearly 40 million. Nearby Malawi, with a current population of 17 mill
Of the world’s 70 most populous countries in the world, a large percentage are in Africa. That was not the case thirty years ago, when European and a few Asian countries dominated the rankings. Population growth rates in Africa are among the highest the world, meaning that in the near ...
Northern California – Home of Largest Trees in the World Southern California – the Most Populous Region of the State 5 Southern California Attractions for the Budget Minded Quiz #5 Large California Coastal Cities
请写出吉林省人口最多的20个区县级行政区。 数据来源:第七次人口普查,2020年,包含城乡的常住人口 区为白色底色,县级市为浅橙色底色,县为浅黄色底色 Quiz byuoiunion Rate: Last updated: March 15, 2024 You have not attempted this quiz yet. More quiz info >> ...
(west). São Pauloconstitutesthe heart of the Southeast, Brazil’s most developed and populous region. The state itself is the most economically productive and populous in the country, accounting for more than one-fifth of the national population. It produces more than half of the country’s...
Memphis reported the most crimes per capita to top our list. See crime rates and socioeconomic factors for the biggest cities in the US.
More quiz info >> 人口 地市 县区 49 西宁市 城东区 42 西宁市 城北区 40 西宁市 大通回族土族自治县 40 西宁市 湟中区 34 海东市 互助土族自治县 人口 地市 县区 33 海东市 民和回族土族自治县 33 西宁市 城西区 33 西宁市 城中区
More than 99 percent of quiz takersname New Yorkas one of the 100 most populous cities, more than any other city. About 90 percent name San Francisco and San Diego. But just two out of three remember San Jose before the allotted 12 minutes is up. That makes it the least named city ...
10 Most Populous Countries in Order 7. States per Letter 8. Big 4 US Sports Teams 9. Big 4 US Sports Cities 10. Digits of Pi 11. Multiplication Times Table 12. Country Trivia Logic Puzzle 13. Pandemic Logic Puzzle 14. True or False Logic Quiz ...
And keep checking back to see what kind of information we’ve added to Infoplease’s collection of the most interesting facts in the world to stay up-to-date on the latest trivia! Jump to:Most Popular|World|States & Cities|Disasters|Geography|Environment|Buildings & Structures|Travel & Transpo...