DR Congo is the most-populous officially Francophone country in the world and it’s likely to become one of the ten most populated countries in the world at some point in the 21st Century. By comparison, the neighbouring Republic of the Congo is one of the smaller African countries with onl...
Nigeria is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa with the continent’s highest population. 50% of Nigerians live in urban areas and this is only set to increase as job opportunities continue to be concentrated there. By 2050, Nigeria could become the third most populous countr...
Pilot is the dream career among most countries in Africa, coming top in 14 nations such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. In the continent’s most populated country, Nigeria, the number one career choice is blogger, while in South Africa most people dream of living the life of an influence...
We have the best military, economy, sports, the third most populated country, the third-fourth biggest country, richest, strongest, most successful country, and the best country. We are also allied with other countries that we support or support us, but overall, the USA is the best country...
As the most populated country in the European Union, the vast majority of the world's German speakers live in Germany; but German speakers can be found in nearby European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Interestingly, non-native speakers make up nearly two-thirds...
Africa has over 1.2 billion people living on it, so we often think of the continent as having a fairly high population density. However, if you watch the animation, you’ll notice that many of the first countries appearing on the map are African — in fact, six of the 10 least densely...
Shanghai, China Finally, the number 1 spot on the list of the most populated countries in the world belongs toShanghai, which means “upon the sea”. At 24,256,000 people, Shanghai also boasts the largest port in the world. Shanghai, China...
Haiti and Chile are both poor underdeveloped Latin American countries. Well, that is to be expected because Latin America and the Caribbean are really impoverished; they are basically a slightly richer Africa, that's it. What a pathetic region, people do drugs just to get easy money or just...
When mentioning an African holiday, most people will probably think of a safari tour, a visit to an ancient Egyptian monument or perhaps a trip to Cape Town or Marrakesh. However, Africa also has some amazing islands lying off its coasts. Madagascar, the
Guys for your info, Basketball is the 2nd most popular game in the World. It is very eagerly followed in both USA and China which are the 4th and 1st Largest populated countries respectively. The best comment on here is that American football would be up there. A sport controlled TV stati...