Most Densely Populated Islands 人口最稠密的岛屿 ForSalsette Island(ranked 9th by population)—administratively known as Greater Mumbai —magnification is required as it appears as a dot on the scale for the other most populated islands in the world. 对于萨尔塞特岛(按人口排名第9位)——行政上称为...
Other extremely populated and dense islands in the world include: Manhattan, Haizhu, Guangzhou, and Lagos Island, but none with the total population close to Singapore or Mumbai. Where Does This Data Come From? Population sources: (New Guinea, Sicily, Hainan, Salsette, Singapor...
Pakistanis are the most disgusting people in the world, but chinese would be a close second. Both the bubonic plague and covid 19 originated in china. Chinese are so filthy and repulsive they eat fundamentally disgusting things like cockroaches and rats. China is a fucking breeding ground for ...
Major earthquakes can claim thousands—sometimes tens, or in the case of Haiti in 2010, hundreds of thousands—of lives. As deadly as big trembles can be, their seriousness is magnified when they strike densely populated, urban areas. Surprisingly, we humans keep building and rebuilding major c...
Port-au-Prince, Haiti Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Mogadishu, Somalia 0 The Newcomers ? Kansas City, Missouri ? Manila, Philippines The capital city of the Philippines, Manila is located on the eastern shore of Manila Bay. It is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, wi...
read more Let me tell you a story, there were two major earthquakes in 2010 that I recall, Haiti and Chile. Chiles was bigger and caused more damage, as well as being one of the worst earthquakes of all time, but since Haiti's poor, they get a song written about them, and tons ...
When it comes to such storms, Haiti is considered the most vulnerable island in the Caribbean. Not only does it lie in a hurricane highway, but the poverty-stricken country lacks resilience. Settlements are built on floodpla...
1. Haiti It is one of the poorest countries in the world and one of the most in need of nurses. Statistically, Haiti has barely one percent of the nurses per population that the United States does. With a long history of internal political instability, as well as outside intervention. It...
When it comes to such storms, Haiti is considered the most vulnerable island in the Caribbean. Not only does it lie in a hurricane highway, but the poverty-stricken country lacks resilience. Settlements are built on floodplains, natural defences like forests have been degraded, and the economy...
The Bahamas, which are English, and Cuba are a little too far out of the way, as is of course Bermuda, another English possession half way between New York and Florida.But Jamaica(English)and Haiti and San Domingo(nominally independent but ask Washington!)are in a better position to ...