What are the most popular names of 2009? Below we have listed the top most popular baby names by year, as calculated from the names added to our users' favorite name lists. Our popularity lists tend to predict the U.S. Social Security baby names rankings by 1-3 years, because our memb...
The year 2000 began with more than a few people being relieved that the world didn't end on January 1 […] Most Popular Baby Names in 2001 Updated:May 23, 2023byOlivia Mittak January 1st, 2001 was not just the start of a new decade – it was the beginning of […]...
On this page you will find lists of the most popular given names in various regions of the world. Typically the information is compiled by a national statistics agency, though in some cases it comes from another source. Usually the information is based on the names parents register for their...
In 2013, 11,000 babies were given the name Noah, a number shy of the 13,000 babies born in 2012 given […] Most Popular Baby Names in 2015 Updated:June 1, 2022byMomsWhoThink Staff Time certainly flies, but 2015 had many high points that many of us do remember very well. For insta...
The name Emma comes from German origins and means "universal." The name has topped the charts for several years running, with the popularity in the past decade peaking in 2015. The continued popularity of the name over the past several years has coincided with the peak popularity of famous ...
Most-popular-English-names-in-AmericaMost PopularBaby Namesin America2005 - 2012 Top Names of 2012 Male Female 1.Jacob 2.Mason 3.Ethan 4.Noah 5.William 6.Liam 7.Jayden 8.Michael 9.Alexander 10.Aiden 1.Sophia 2.Emma 3.Isabella 4.Olivia 5.Ava 6.Emily 7.Abigail 8.Mia 9.Madison 10....
- Most popular year: 2009 (Rank: #29; 6,788 babies born) - Name popularity rank in 2019: #44 (4,739 babies born) This name comes from the Old Testament. Leah was the first wife of Jacob, who was tricked by her father into marrying Leah rather than her younger sister, Rachel. ...
In the spirit of end of year lists, I thought people would be interested to see the most popular pages of 2009. As you can see, by far the most popular
Here's a look back at some of the most popular posts from 2009, ranked in no particular order: How to Make Healthy Fudge Root Causes of Autoimmune Illness Recipe for Healthy Energy Balls When to Eat White Rice, How to Cook Brown Rice ...