In thistypical dance of Navarra,joins singing and dancing, minor tones are used and the songs are slower than the dances. The dance of the Navarrese jotas isvery hectic. We have talked about these before.popular dances and traditional dances in Aragon. The rhythm in the Aragonese jotas is s...
So it is not unusual to see Inca imagery and local customs entwined with Catholic symbolism in churches. In Peru, Guinea pig, or Cuy, is a very popular food. (We have eaten Llama , Alpaca but resisted the temptation of Cuy..partly because it is very expensive!) To return to the cathe...
Mike Mishkin ofI Love the Upper West Sidenotes that Central Park just missed a spot in the top ten. Coming in at number 11, theaudio trackfor the park features raindrops, crunching leaves, a bagpipe and other sounds of city life. Though the majority of Unify Cosmos’ audio clips focus on...
Two others built an entire glider out of scavenged wood. Tunnels were also popular, but like each of these attempts, ultimately big fat failures (to be fair, the glider just didn't get finished in time). Neave, perhaps wisely, settled on a subtler concept of escape. Finagling a Polish ...