The pick rates can be found on and take into account how frequently these Agents have been picked in Competitive matches. If you still don’t have a main Agent, we recommend watching pro player streams to find out which character best suits your playstyle to use in Valorant. ...
G2 Esports, FunPlus Phoenix, and SUMN FC. After pouring over the data, we’ve taken the full field of agents and separated them into tiers based on their pro pick rates, according toVALORANTstats For the sake of consistency, we’ve used data from the beginning...
Before we get to the bottom tier of agents picked, we have to talk about Killjoy. Overall, her pick percentage stands at a meager 28 percent, but 100 Thieves have been making excellent use of her across several maps. How they used her was paramount to the success they found in their Fi...
Valorant is home to several agents with their own unique abilities that support a variety of different play styles. These are the agents that currently take the cake in terms of which feel the most overpowered of them all. If you're a regular Valorant player, there's no doubt that you've...