Reddit is addictive for people with short attention spans. However, because anybody can post anything, you may run into some NSFW or offensive content if you aren't careful. Rating Visit This Is Why I'm Broke Most Diverse Humor: theCHIVE What We Like Juicy celebrity gossip and trivia. Arti...
A her last name sounded just like my first name, so she made people call me by middle which I hate) cried and said she must have been tired when she said that she didn’t give me the answer because I was brown (the game of telephone is a real thang heh) and to speak up for h...
For some reason, people think they can do whatever they want if they have a certain amount of money. Those people really need to come off of their high horses, because that is almost never the case! People on Reddit share the most entitled rich person behavior they have e...
Just trying to get around this thing why people need to update their phone so often. A few years ago I can understand people doing it, like computers they got better, and it was worth updating, but these days, is it? My android phone is around 4 years old now and st...
Fox 11confirmed that Ladera Ranch was never under threat. "I just think it's really sad that they would exploit a situation that's as serious as a fire that so many peoplewereevacuated from just so they could get more likes or more hits on their channel," one resident told reporters. ...
We do this for love of the game (and that "game" is landing you an amazing new job so your family can continue to access employer-provided healthcare; great system we've got). Since 2018,we've helped literally millions of people on Reddit with their job hunt, and we've heard directl...
Chang then went from living in the cafeteria closet to living in Greendale’s ventilation system for a while because, eh, better view to look down on people. The dean eventually felt sorry for him and offered him a job as a campus security guard, which obviously turned the man who calls...
You can give points for each presentation and their delivery. At the end of the night, compare your scores for the winning presentation. May the best presentation win!Add lots of visuals: This is not a school or job presentation. There is no need to play safe. Use all the visuals you ...
I think I need to let people talk without trying to cram myself in their story. I need to let some of the stories be about them. I don’t always need to have a story too. Sometimes I just need to just shut up and listen and be content knowing it will be okay for them to have...
Anyone who uses Reddit will be familiar with /r/The_Donald. The subreddit, which claims to be a forum for Trump supporters, allegedly promotes racism, hate speech, and other undesirable topics. Many people have called for the subreddit to be shut down and banned, just like subs which have...