As one of the most despised characters in the Harry Potter series, Dolores Umbridge's sugary-sweet demeanor hides a cruel and manipulative nature. While her actions may infuriate fans, there's no denying that she adds an extra layer of tension and conflict to the story. Also ranks #...
Anime:Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken For someone called “The Destroyer”, she sure has an appearance and behavior that screams she’s anything but that. Milim, for the most part, is a bit childish in the way she interacts with the world and the characters around her. ...
well-respected leader who is also looked up to by many. But all of it turns out to be a mask that he uses to cover his manipulative nature. He stops at nothing and believes in killing anyone who comes in the way of his ambitions...
With help from his emotionally manipulative neighbor, he starts taking steps to leave his home, make some money, and find something like happiness. 3 2007 Photo: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit Production I.G Most Underrated: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit Well-regarded ...
Moms are supposed to look out for their kids. However, that’s not the case for Livia Soprano, the manipulative, miserable matriarch fromThe Sopranos. The embodiment of pure spite, after her son Tony puts her in a retirement home, Livia nearly gets him killed (twice!) and even conspires ...
Connections: Manipulative serpent themed antagonists based off of mythological figures of the same name. Why I Want This: How... in the name... of god... have we not gotten... a single... f**king Naruto villain yet? We've had a whopping 7 characters from this series in ...
However, that’s not the case for Livia Soprano, the manipulative, miserable matriarch from The Sopranos. The embodiment of pure spite, after her son Tony puts her in a retirement home, Livia nearly gets him killed (twice!) and even conspires against him with the FBI. She’s a true ...
But even superheroes have their Achilles heel, and for ENFJs, it’s the criticism that they’re too manipulative. A quick Google search of “Why are ENFJs so” might leave you with a raised eyebrow, with results like “attractive” (okay, not bad), “hated” (ouch), “annoying” (...
With help from his emotionally manipulative neighbor, he starts taking steps to leave his home, make some money, and find something like happiness. 3 2007 Photo: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit Production I.G Most Underrated: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit Well-regarded ...
This character may be a bit on the horrible side, but nonetheless, he still is extremely intelligent in a way that he's manipulative and corruptive. Considered to be the next Adolf Hitler, he has a level of charisma that is extraordinary and effective in causing suffering and destruction in ...