At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....
At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....
At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....
At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....
At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....
At the end of the series, protagonist Eren Jaeger loses his life to the person who loved him more than anyone else did: his childhood friend and crush Mikasa Ackerman. She doesn't do this because she no longer loved him, but because she has to stop him from carrying out the Rumbling....