The film explores compelling new approaches that aim to revolutionize teaching as we know it, inspiring school communities to re-imagine what students and teachers are capable of doing. To date, Most Likely To Succeed has screened for thousands of audiences around the world, igniting conversations ...
『极有可能成功 Most likely to succeed』。 这部被业界誉为“迄今为止,关于学校题材最好的纪录片”; 获得了24个国际影展奖项; 比尔盖茨造访影片中的学校(High Tech High)时说,“这是每个美国孩子都向往的创新学校”; 《美国独立电影专刊》('Film Threat')评论它为“这部电影,应该是所有家长和教育工作者的必修...
Most Likely to Succeed: Regia di Michael Patrick Jann. Con Kathryn Hahn, Harvey Guillén, Elizabeth Tulloch, Caitlin FitzGerald. High school superstars now face life as adults.
片名 Most Likely to Succeed 又名 Most Likely to Succeed 影片类型 喜剧 出品国家/地区 美国 上映时间 美国 2002-12-05 2002 首映日期 2002年12月05日 首映地区 美国 评分 6.7
《极有可能成功》(Most Likely to Succeed)是一部关于学校教育的纪录片,被业界誉为“迄今为止最好的教育纪录片”。从2017年在国内举行观影会至今,受到教育界的广泛好评,也引发了各种热烈的、激烈的讨论。 无论你是否赞同High Tech High这所学校的教学方法,有一个问题却无从回避:以智能化为核心,以人工智能、物联...
For his 21st birthday, Chris' friend Derrick hires a call girl to relieve him of his virginity. Reluctantly he goes along with it, but emotions become more complex when the call girl turns out to be his "one true love" from high school, Brooke. Not recognizing him at first, Brooke cont...
Will Chris profess his true feelings, or just "hit that?" Will Derrick ever get that damn bottle of wine open? Answers lie within. Pictures fade and pedestals fall as this film explores the difference between loving someone and truly knowing them....
“这部影片的名称是《MostLikely To Succeed》。记录了一所美国创新型学校High Tech High。在这里,学习不受任何师资、时间和教科书的限制,学生会忙于自己的项目。最终,该学校以98%的大学录取率受到社会和家长的认可。在随后17年期间,成...
自从Most Likely To Succeed 《极有可能成功》 观影研讨活动报名通道开通以来, 校长们积极响应,踊跃报名, 为了让更多的会员能够参与到活动当中, 山长君温馨提醒各位看官, 今天是最后一天报名, 机会难得,请各位抓紧时间哦! 2015年,...
答案还无从知晓,但我们知道每个孩子都有天生擅长的地方,成为学习的主人的路径也不止一种,我们能做的就是把他/她放在对的位置,让天赋自由。 编者:了解更多关于纪录片《Most likely to succeed》信息,访问该影片官方网站