We culled the best of the best from over a half dozen sources, and still can’t capture all the great biographies worth reading. Here, in no particular order, are the best biographies that read as good as, if not better than, fiction. Contents: The List Final Thoughts The List 1.Unbro...
I used to read a lot of romantic novels. Now, I'm interested in biographies(传记) .I ve read about many different kinds of people. I enjoy autobiographies,too,but I sometimes wonder how true a picture they actually paint. I mean,if you wrote about yourself,you'd probably try to leave...
Many of the biographies are extremely detailed with all the basic facts about where the artists were born, where they'd worked, who their teachers were and so on. But I read Vasari's book cover to cover almost every summer. I find it a great way to unwind during the summer break and...
The people with the greatest minds of all time deserves to be ranked highly. Each one of these incredible and inspirational people used the power of their minds to change the world. Featuring these historical figures, interesting men, and impactful people, this is a list of the 25 most inf...
15 Historical Biographies About History's Most Interesting People Wild Facts 77 people have voted on Things You Didn't Know About Twinkies US History 15.5k people have read 14 Fascinating Things No One Ever Told You About John Wilkes Booth ...
These, along with audiobook collections, are a good place to get started in terms of recommendations. More to Come Spotify is testing more interesting features for select audiobooks that should be available soon. Follow-Along, which is a visually immersive feature for audiobooks, will let you...
The profiles that seemed to show less purpose were still written as interesting people who seemed fun to be around, but didn’t seem as goal-driven, to see if participants would care. For the study, they asked 119 participants to read and rank the fake profiles on various levels of ...
(though I do find the current UK Penguin Classics edition to be rather too cute). But the first edition cover is still the most iconic—perhaps because of McKnight Kauffer’s background as a poster artist. And it turns out that McKnight Kauffer designed a lot of interesting covers in his...
In January, DK is launching a whole new series of biographies about iconic world leaders. Each title has hand-drawn illustrations, photographs, and reference material organized specifically to make these figures come alive for middle grade readers. The first installments are slated to cover such ama...
Interesting. My buddy who switched schools in fourth grade is talking about what it’s like to raise her adopted daughter? I’m listening. I may never see these people again face-to-face, but being pals with them online has enriched my life. And brought me whitening toothpaste. So that...