Emperor Wen of Sui (541-604), personal name Yang Jian (杨坚), was the founder and the first of theSui Dynastyof ancient China. He’s also considered one of the most important and greatest Chinese emperors. He conquered the Chen Empire, established the Sui Dynasty in 589. The era of Em...
It was also an important city for education, and the Greek translation of the Bible, the Septuagint, was done in Alexandria. The city fell to the Romans in 30 BC, becoming a center for development in the ancient world and attracting many philosophers, logicians, researchers, and mathematicians...
Reason 1 why Romulus should the most important person in world history is that the Roman Empire started there in 753 BC. The empire had one of the biggest trading cities and connected Europe with China. The empire earned so much money that they were able to take over trade in other parts...
The capitol is a Roman temple from the 2nd century CE, principally dedicated to the three most important Roman gods: Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. It has a secondary dedication to the well-being of the emperors Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius. 7. Garni Temple Inna_Zyu / Flickr Dedicated to ...
One of Galen’s most important contributions was the insight that the brain, not the heart, controlled the body. He confirmed this theory by opening the cranium of a living cow. By applying pressure to different parts of the brain, h...
Here is a list of the 12 most important people from ancient India who have helped shape the country and make it what it is today: Contentsshow 1. Chandragupta Maurya Chandragupta Maurya, who was a pivotal figure in Indian history, was born around 340 BC to a huge family. He was the ...
Hist tomb is the most important monument in Pasargadae, the ancient capital of Persia in modern-day Iran. When Alexander looted and destroyed Persepolis, he paid a visit to the tomb of Cyrus and commanded one of his warriors, to enter the monument. Inside he found a golden bed, a table ...
Born in Spain, Trajan was one of the greatest Roman emperors. During his rule (97-117 AD) the empire reached its maximum expansion with the conquest of Dacia (present Romania) and of vast Eastern territories (Arabia, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Assyria). ...
Over the course of the Roman empire, there were many Emperors that we remember. Caligula and Nero among others may... 10 Most Awesome Facts About Tupac Shakur Music The mystery surrounding Tupac Shakur’s murder remains a topic of intense interest and speculation, even decades after the tragi...
Lake Comohas been one of Italy's most popular vacation spots since the time of the Roman emperors. This unabashedly high-rolling resort area still attracts a posh crowd with its lush gardens, cinematic palaces and villas, and sun-soaked alpine shores. Take the funicular to the tiny village ...