Sarah Jessica Parker, best known as Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, shot to stardom through her portrayal of the iconic character. However, her acting range has been criticized, as she has struggled to establish herself beyond her most famous role. Credits (Film): Mars Attacks!, Ed Wo...
The same year, Apple aired another iconic ad that attempted to save humanity from "conformity" in a nod to George Orwell's novel. Advertising Age named it one of the best commercials ever created. Getty Images 16 XX: The Fridge's TD Linemen don't usually score touchdowns, let alone ro...
skip to main content the 22 most iconic super bowl ads of all time february 10, 2022 photo: getty images save save it’s been estimated that 18 percent of super bowl viewers mostly care about seeing the funny, splashy tv ads that occur during the commercial breaks. (and we’re not ...
River's younger brother got his start in TV commercials around the same time of River's success, and emerged from his brother's shadow to become a critics' darling in the mid-90's shortly after his brother's death. Known for his husky voice and ability to overcome his imperfections, Kat...
So strong and instantly engaging is Lee Morgan’s composition The Sidewinder that, over the years, it has gained vast popularity well outside the jazz bubble and can even be heard in the background of a television commercials for Chrysler!
continental drift, out of sight, anaconda, gigli 18 nelsonville, ohio, usa 17,321 votes sarah jessica parker, best known as carrie bradshaw in sex and the city , shot to stardom through her portrayal of the iconic character. however, her acting range has been criticized, as she has ...
appearing in LRG andKith campaigns, and collaborating with footwear brands like Saucony, which were inspired by his classicOnly Built for Cuban Linxalbum (aka The Purple Tape). He also appeared onone of the most iconic Supreme T-shirts of all timealongside Elmo and an uzi. Morrow styled Rae...
Since the Big Game falls on Groundhog Day 2020, it’s no surprise one brand took the liberty of referencing the iconic 1993 filmGroundhog Day. The Jeep commercial, which first aired on Sunday before the 2020 Super Bowl, shows the movie’s star Bill Murray reliving the same day over and ...
SoKingdom of the Crystal Skulldidn’t quite work. ButIndiana Jones and the Dial of Destinyis a totally different animal, with a new creative team — including James Mangold, who, as the director ofLogan, has already proven he knows how to tell a fascinating story about an aging iconic he...
Julius Erving's nickname, "Dr. J", was one of basketball's first iconic nicknames. One of the coolest part about Dr. J - and basically everything he did was cool - was that he a bit of a folk hero early in his career because he played in the perpetually flirting with bankruptcy ...