Also ranks #1 on The Most Pretentious Horror Movies Ever Made Also ranks #1 on Horror Movie Endings People Only Pretend To Understand Also ranks #2 on Divisive Movies That Refused To Give Audiences What They Expected 5,549 votes What do you think? Can you smell the pretentiousness? Photo: ...
Also ranks #1 on The Most Pretentious Horror Movies Ever Made Also ranks #1 on Horror Movie Endings People Only Pretend To Understand Also ranks #3 on Divisive Movies That Refused To Give Audiences What They Expected 5,567 votes What do you think? Can you smell the pretentiousness? Photo: ...
As the occupation continues, even survival for Flyora comes to feel like a curse; the accumulated horrors (including the deliberate burning of a church with dozens of people inside, an event that really took place) make Come and See one of the best war films ever made—because all the ...
Bridges, those magnificent structures that leap over rivers, canyons, and valleys, are far more than just functional elements in our... 10 Most Controversial Books and Films that were Banned Movies & TV The Sony hack has been dominating the news over recent weeks, starting with the hack its...
Fear were known for their wild performances, and this case was no different. There were mosh pits, obscenities were shouted, pumpkins were thrown and there was an estimated $200,000 worth of property damage by the end of the show. Needless to say, Fear were banned from ever being on Satu...
Lars Von Trier has long been associated with strange yet sexy movies. A horror movie at the outset, ‘Antichrist’ has all the elements of frightfulness, sexuality, disgust, and intensity one can expect. The movie begins with a couple who have lost their young child and seek solace in a ...
Battle Royalewas banned in several countries thanks to its depiction of young characters engaging in alarming levels of savagery in order to survive. The violent scenes are varied and increasingly intense as the clock ticks, ranging from close-quarters combat to strategic killings. Through this graph...
The film's director, Pier Paolo Pasolini, claimed the movie was intended to highlight the corruption and abuse of power that's rampant in our world. However, due to the extreme graphic scenes and since the film used minors, it received intense criticism and wasbannedin numerous countries arou...
It is the most famous home movie ever, and the most carefully studied image, an 8-millimeter film that captured the death of a President. The movie is just as well known for what many say it does or does not reveal, and its existence has fostered countless conspiracy theories about that...
Lead actor Boris Karloff did not agree that Frankenstein should speak and fought for him to remain silent, like he did in the first movie.Ultimately, the movie was made and Karloff did begin to speak as Frankenstein. The movie was censored in a lot of international showings and banned from...