In the centuries before the events of Game Of Thrones, the Targaryen family ruled a (largely) united Westeros. Popular television show, House Of The Dragon depicts a portion of that rule, focusing on fresh characters like King Viserys I, Princess Rhaenyra, and prince Daemon. Based on George...
"Peaky Blinders" thrilled fans for six seasons, chronicling the titular crime gang loosely based on a real urban British youth gang in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Costuming is key for period pieces like this—but unfortunately, a costuming-related gaffe slipped by in the editing ...
If a tropical small town getaway is your ideal destination, we have found just the town for you. Located on the North Shore of Oahu, Haleiwa is one of the best-knownsurfing destinationsaround the world. Visit in the winter and enjoy the iconic waves that earned this small town the title...
Building a love story for centuries. Today, we join our hearts as one, A union blessed by the morning sun. Two souls entwined in eternal bliss, A love that’s sealed with a tender kiss. So let’s embark on this new adventure, With love as our guiding center. Hand in hand, side by...