Scientists have found over 5,000 exoplanets since the first such world was confirmed orbiting a sunlike star in 1995. We explore the ones most similar to Earth.
Aquatic ecosystems constitute more than 90 % of Earth's habitable space (UNEP, 2006), yet only a minor fraction of their biodiversity has been explored. Despite accounting for only 0.01 % of our planet's total water, freshwater ecosystems alone harbor 6 % of Earth's biomass (Dudgeon et al...
It was essential to meet the above conditions that enabled the Earth as a habitable planet with evolved life forms. The tight constraints that we evaluate for birth and evolution of life on Earth would provide important guidelines for planetary scientists hunting for life in the exo-solar planets...
The two planets introduced today—called super Earths—are 1.4 and 1.6 times larger than Earth, and orbit around their sun in 122 and 267 days, respectively. In Search of Super Earths Theres some debate in the exoplanet community about what constitutes an Earth-size planet. But Kepler has ...
The idea that microbial life springs upde novoon billions of Earth-like habitable planets is an unproven, and most likely erroneous proposition. Such a belief is an extension of the canonical “primordial soup theory” for life’s beginnings on the Earth, which is a dogma with no hard eviden...
️. Founded Conserve Energy Future with the sole motto of providing helpful information related to our rapidly depleting environment. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole ...
Through gravitational attraction, asteroids can be put on a crash course with a planet. Oh, by Matt, that would never happen.凭借引力作用小行星可能会撞向行星。要我说,这绝不会发生的。That's only in the movies. Actually, it's happened to Earth before.那只会出现在电影中 。实际上这曾在...
In order to survive, Watney has to figure out how to contact NASA and grow food on a planet with soil that does not contain the same nutrient-rich material found on Earth. Thankfully, Watney is also a botanist. He knows how to "science the sh*t" out of what he has and build a...
Kepler 452b Is the Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Yet. So What?Sarah Zhang
In order to survive, Watney has to figure out how to contact NASA and grow food on a planet with soil that does not contain the same nutrient-rich material found on Earth. Thankfully, Watney is also a botanist. He knows how to "science the sh*t" out of what he has and build a...