Disco Elysium is still in for a couple of months. That's the first one that comes to mind - it's one of the best games ever made, with writing that puts pretty much every other game to shame. 3 months agoChutebox Follow 51544 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Rev...
I think this is exactly the right way to make an immersive sim in 2022: throw back to the simple aesthetic ofThief, make it spooky, and release it in Early Access to fine tune the interplay between systems. Arkane has more or less been the only studio keeping these kinds of games alive...
Social network games like Farmville were lumped in with iPhone games to prove that videogames as we knew them were doomed. Those fears were exaggerated, but they weren't exactly unfounded. The mechanics of free-to-play games have made their way into the biggest videogames in the world. It...