"...I have become a frequent winner in any lottery I have bet on." Alexander, I bought your system a while ago and I have become a frequent winner in various lotteries I have bet on. To this day, I have won more than $40,000. The last time I won was last Friday. I added $...
It’s just like playing lottery – you only have a small number of individual numbers, and you think –“What’s the big deal! Surely I can guess 5 or 6 of them!” In reality the number of combinations is mind-boggling, and the very same goes with individual English words and their...
Hanging around the beatniks became the cool thing to do, and City Lights was increasingly frequented by the kids from the area around the University of San Francisco. As usual, the "older" group ridiculed any younger people who wanted to be like them - almost as much as they ridiculed an...
Secretariat got oats, alfalfa hay, and frequent carrots and apples when he was racing. Nothing more exotic. I can't believe that 1973 oats were that much different from 1920 oats! Added 12 years ago by guest, 3 points OOoops! I meant to say that Prove Out's best was nearly two ...