featured in the movie during the scene in which Star-Lord takes on the prison guards in order to retrieve his cassette player. It is also featured in the underrated comedyDirty Workin which Chris Farley attempts to play The Rolling Stones' "Street Fighting Man" on the jukebox during a bar...
‘Three Coins In The Fountain’: Frank Sinatra Tops The First UK Top 20 Yello: Oh Yeah (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, 1986) Such is its ubiquity, it’s hard to imagine a time when Yello’s electro-pop classic didn’t exist (the song has been featured in everything from movies to TV...
What we thought: It's cliche to say of a great film "this is why we go to the movies." But when the theater throbs with a rousing song, the audience is entranced by a star-making performance, and your body is rippling with chills from the sublime power of cinema, what else can yo...
despite the wife-beatings and drunken fleeing attempts. But Brown’s best-known song has become one of the most annoying staples in movie history. “I Got You (I Feel Good)” has probably been featured in more films than it hasn’t, and is generally found in almost any family comedy o...
It's sure to say that Billie Eilish is contagious, the variety in her sound appealing to all different types of music lovers. Thanks to her many fantastic official music videos that range from cinematic to aesthetic, Billie is consistently going viral and being featured somewhereon the trending...
Rodgers began his entertainment career with his music featured in films like the Paul Newman dramatic adaptation "The Long, Hot Summer" (1958), "Yotzim Kavua" (1979) with Jonathan Segal and the musical comedy "Cry Baby" (1990) with Johnny Depp. His music also appeared in the Joe Pesci...
All there performances are stand out but wished Shorts Stefano was featured more. Cranston as Vitaly was beautifully menacing but it is the wacky deadly policewoman in charge of hunting down and capturing the animals as they make their way across Europe which is the centre of the narrative ...
(Adam Driver). Naturally, one would expect to encounter a few love scenes sprinkled in, but maybe not as lengthy and intense as the one featured so early on in the film. Between all of the slamming into furniture and (improvised) feral animal noises, it's a pretty jarring encounter that...
” Somehow, the film lives up to that assessment, especially when, about 20 minutes in, Dan Aykroyd and Reba McEntire show up as two cartoonish Texas stereotypes singing a song about their dead son who died in a stampede. Then the next sequence is built around people making jokes about a...
And then our hero steps back into the center of a quartet of boogieing patrons, a thumping techno song drops on the soundtrack and the newly formed fivesome break into a highly choreographed dance routine. He sends a “take that” glare Clement’s way; soon, this bearded guy in the pol...