Over 6K fans have voted on the 18 Most Wholesome Anime Characters Of All Time. Current Top 3: Maes Hughes Loves His Family In 'Fullmetal Alchemist: ...
The 100+ Greatest Anime Characters Of All Time VOTE 537 people have voted on 30 Songs With Acronym Titles (And What They Stand For) VOTE 203 people have voted on A-List Actors Talk About Losing Awards VOTE 2k people have voted on Badly Written Best-Selling Books, Ranked B...
Vampire anime characters are often broody, dangerous, and extremely good-looking. However, just like any other anime characters, they come in all shapes and sizes making sure that every anime fan can find something they love. Vampire female anime characters are no different. They’re sometimes ...
Dragon Ball has so many cute and kick-ass anime characters that it almost seems to be an anime about animals. There are many unique characters over the nearly 300 episodes and movies who will grow on you forever. This classic anime has a lovely sense of humor too and is packed with some...
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia Hark! This is one anime girl you’d want to protect at all costs. Well, the reason why isn’t solely because of just how adorably cute she is – but also since she hasn’t had a pleasant life for a long time. Unfortunately for Eri, she’s experienced...
I was hoping he’d someone wiggle his way into the top five most popular Dragon Ball Z characters of all time, but I’m really happy that he made the top ten…especially when I take a look at the top five or six! Krillin has been training with Master Roshi and Goku since Dragon Ba...
The self-centered, narcissistic teen king fromGame of Thronesordered the death of Ned Stark, tormented the beloved Sansa, abused animals and even started a whole war, so naturally he makes the list of the most disliked TV characters of all time. You know a character is evil when even Cers...
Top 10 Most Popular Anime of All Time Best Anime to Watch on Netflix Right Now Best Anime to Watch on Hulu Right Now The Most Popular Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Of course we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime so if you’d like to check ...
Compared to other anime, Akira is easily one of the most influential of all time. The film is set in a dystopian 2019, where a biker gang member has acquired telekinetic abilities after a motorcycle accident. Of course, power can be abused when placed in the wrong hands, which is one ...
Reasonably, Korean manhwa fans and Chinese manhua fans are offended when their favorite works are lumped into the anime genre. With the success of K-Pop, and C-Pop garnering acclaim among international reviewers, there could be an impending wave of manhua and manhwa that could complicate anime...