Silverman’s third novel spins a tale of an American woman named Minnow who is drawn into a love affair with a radical French activist—a romance that, unbeknown to her, mirrors a relationship her own draft-dodging father had against the backdrop of the student movements of the 1960s. Tea...
This novel tells the story of a 22-year-old woman named Missy who is in a famous band; her mother, Carola, who is recovering from a sex scandal at a yoga center; and grandmother Ruth, who is 83 when Missy winds up crashing at her house. The three stories weave around questions ...
Explore this curated list of the most famous celebrities with Indian descent, including Aziz Ansari, Nicki Minaj, Freida Pinto, and more.
Explore this curated list of the most famous celebrities with Indian descent, including Aziz Ansari, Nicki Minaj, Freida Pinto, and more.
fascinating world.When I’m Gone, Look for Me in the Eastis technically about twin brothers—one of whom is a monk, the other a former monk—on a quest to find the reincarnation of a famous lama in Mongolia, but it is really much more about Buddhism, love, and the metaphysics of bei...
If your kids find out that there were days and even years when Jane Austen had no desire or ability to write at all, they might find her more relatable, and be curious to learn more about how she persevered to become one of the mo...
s no doubt that Woolf is also a novelist who created a crystal pattern to describe our outer world. Look inside of this pattern, we will find the warm fire in the inner world—the love, the beauty, the romance, etc. Just like Chekhov said:” The reality of life is the most simple ...
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The Scent of PinebyLara Vapnyar: Lena is on the brink of an early midlife crisis: her career is stalled, she feels disconnected to her adopted country, and her marriage is faltering. She finds romance with a similarly lost academic, Ben, and the two embark on an affair in a cabin in...
Explore this curated list of the most famous celebrities with Indian descent, including Aziz Ansari, Nicki Minaj, Freida Pinto, and more.