Based on two trilogies by Leigh Bardugo (Six of Crows and Shadow and Bone), this mystery drama show revolves around Alina Starkov, an orphaned cartographer in a fantastical world. When she is revealed to be a Grisha (a sort of magical summoner), forces vie to influence her with the fate...
If “Little Miss Sunshine” didn’t have its climactic dance scene, it would still be a great film. But the sequence where Olive dances her heart out to Rick James’ classic, only to be joined by her oddball family is the kind of movie moment that gets you nominated for an Oscar. Don...
1. Young adult dystopias Created by the 14-year-old blogger at Feed Me Books Now, this chart analyzes most popular dystopias. The protagonist is a female, dystopian societies are split into smaller communities (“district”, “faction”), most YA dystopias are trilogies. Is this a rule or ...
One of the best trilogies of all-time, I'm sure. Helpful•1 0 r96sk May 14, 2024 Permalink 10/10 The greatest thing ever produced by man-kind Okay, like the guy above me, I like, totally loved this movie. Why did I love it? 'Cause it was frigg'n sweet, that's why.See...
these villains' demonic laughs have a way of sticking with listeners. BetweenHarry Potter'sBellatrix and Pennywise the Clown, some evil laughs are just more recognizable and have succeeded more in giving certain movie sequences a sense of gloom and dread. To find out which famous movie villains...
By: Steve Pulaski C.S. Lewis has yet to receive the mainstream biopic treatment, save for a few TV movies. Arguably the most famous one,Shadowlands, was a BBC movie more than 35 years ago, starring Joss Ackland and Claire Bloom. Director Norman Stone, who helmed that movie along with a...
Return of the Jedihas been regarded as one of thebestStar Warsmovies of all time. Similarly, the film culminated George Lucas' original series which is widely considered thebest of the threeStar Warstrilogies. Despite its beloved nature,Return of the Jedihas fallen subject to a ridiculous ...
The newest of these experiences is theHobbiton Movie Setin Matamata on New Zealand's North Island. Tolkien enthusiasts can book a guided walking tour of the 12-acre movie set used in both "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" trilogies. ...
ye bittorrenters of dark knight trilogies, sneak thieves of 50 cent, and despair in your pirate bays. justice was served, the end, roll credits. yes, it was a great story. the only problem was, it wasn't quite true. at its peak, kim dotcom’s company megaupload carried 4 percent of...
but it quickly became clear thatThe Skywalker Saga's DLC needed more than charactersalone. While it's good to see fan-favorite characters from outside theStar Warstrilogies appear in the game, the addition of new characters doesn't meaningfully add to the game's play experience. Without new...