Check out all 50 singers by American states. Then make your voice heard. Which musician do you think represents their home state the best? Most divisive: North Carolina - Randy Travis Over 5.5K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Famous Musicians HOW RANKINGS WORK...
Cash began writing songs at the age of 12, and many of his tunes were about the hardships of his life in Arkansas. Birthplace: Kingsland, Arkansas, USA Also ranks #1 on The Top Country Artists of All Time Also ranks #2 on Who Is The Most Famous Celebrity From Your State? The 30+ ...
阅读理解DSome of the world's most famous musicians recently gathered12. Why did UNESCO set April 30in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual Internationalas International Jazz Day?Jazz Day. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul-A. To remember the birth of jazz....
Whether or not Benny Goodman was the greatest jazz clarinetist of all time is a matter yet to be settled. But there’s no question he was one of the most innovative. HisCarnegie Hallconcert of 1938 was called a “coming out party” for the idiom, a performance that gave jazz credibility...
Charles Mingus was a bass player and bandleader who grew up in Watts, California, before becoming one of the most influential American jazz musicians of all time. Playing alongside Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, Mingus carved out a place for himself as a musician and composer. He recorded...
阅读填表Duke Ellington is famous as one of the most important musicians of his time, and his work has been popular for more than 80 years, he has music fans all over the world. During his whole life,Ellington tried different kinds of music, mostly he was good at jazz (爵士). His famo...
Chuck Berry is considered to be thefather of rock and roll music. He was the living legend that came as close to pioneering the genre as it stands today, and one of his most famous and most covered songs is "Johnny B. Goode," a semi-autobiographical look at the life of a young Chuc...
Chuck Berry is considered to be thefather of rock and roll music. He was the living legend that came as close to pioneering the genre as it stands today, and one of his most famous and most covered songs is "Johnny B. Goode," a semi-autobiographical look at the life of a young Chuc...
Chuck Berry is considered to be thefather of rock and roll music. He was the living legend that came as close to pioneering the genre as it stands today, and one of his most famous and most covered songs is "Johnny B. Goode," a semi-autobiographical look at the life of a young Chuc...
Chuck Berry is considered to be thefather of rock and roll music. He was the living legend that came as close to pioneering the genre as it stands today, and one of his most famous and most covered songs is "Johnny B. Goode," a semi-autobiographical look at the life of a young Chuc...