What Is The Most Expensive Guitar Ever Sold? The most expensive guitar ever sold at auction is a 1959 Martin D-18E acoustic which was famously played by Kurt Cobain during Nirvana’s ‘MTV Unplugged’ performance. It sold for $6 million at Julien’s auction house in June 2020. What Is T...
Jim and Andy walked along the beach, looking for an adventure. They joked that some day they would find a talking fish or a mermaid or a bottle with atreasuremap inside. So far they had only found shells and rocks and seaweed....
Necessities like food and wood were very expensive. But soon, the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found. The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly...
While we’re mentioning the most expensive yachts in the world for sale today, in 2023, let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on some of the most expensive yachts ever sold in the history of the marine industry. The most expensive private yacht ever sold (by far) was the unbelievab...
If you need some inspiration, we’ve got you covered with the 23 most expensive things in the world in 2023.
This 100 Ducat specimen bears the mantle of the most expensive Polish coin ever to have been minted. Its value is attached to the unique historical moment in which it was created. In 1586, the Polish King Stephen of Báthory died without children. Following various battles, the Swedish – an...
Ever notice those piles of wood lying around Pelican Town? They're shortcuts that need to be built by Robin, something that's rather expensive. One of the worst parts about Stardew Valley is the roundabout way to get to some places. Getting to the beach or the Cindersap Forest without ...
That made it the most expensive emerald per carat ever sold. 6. Taaffeite – $35,000 per carat Taaffeite Taaffeite BeMgAl4O8 is a mineral named after its discoverer Richard Taaffe (1898–1967) who found the first sample, a cut and polished gem, in Dublin , Ireland, in October 1945...
This is a game, remember – what you have got is a delightful collection to treasure and play with. For more rare trading cards, read our guides to the most expensive Yugioh cards ever printed, and the most expensive Lorcana cards in Disney’s new TCG. If you’d rather do your ...