Start saving your pennies now, because we’re counting down the most expensive musical instruments ever sold! While many would consider these ultra-rare instruments and the stories behind them to be priceless, they have been sold to collectors looking to preserve important moments in musical history...
United Kingdom (London,) When 20 June 2011 The most expensive musical instrument sold at auction is the 'Lady Blunt' Stradivarius violin and was sold at £9,808,000 ($15,875,800) by Tarisio Auctions (USA) in London, UK, on 20 June 2011. The auction was organised online on behalf ...
The world’s most expensive electric guitars and acoustic guitars have been refinished, refretted, and beaten up, but thanks to their rock star provenance they’re worth more than any mint condition 1959 Gibson Les Paul. The list that follows, containing the most expensive guitars ever sold ...
In 2014 at one of his galleries, Lik sold his Phantom for a whopping $6,500,000, making it the most expensive photograph in the world for years. That world record was only broken in 2022 by Le Violon D’Ingre and the Flatiron Building. Now, Phantom is the third most expensive artwork...
Nirvana's iconic acoustic performance led to the grunge band's best-selling album — and a new superlative nearly three decades later when the frontman's 1959 Martin D-18E became the most expensive guitar ever sold at auction. The final price? A whopping $6,010,000,Entertainment Weekly...
Covered in her signature turquoise ink, Audrey Hepburn's personal script for one of her most memorable roles set a record in 2017 for the most expensive screenplay ever sold at auction. The winning bidder? None other than Tiffany & Co., which bought the piece for £632,750 (nearly $1 ...
A.belovedB.traditionalC.expensiveD.useless 2021-07-16更新|40次组卷 纠错详情加入试卷 完形填空(约220词)|适中 (0.65) 名校 【推荐3】In the process of celebrating my 60th birthday with a 60 day kindness challenge, I got the greatest birthday surprise from my daughters. When they asked me what...
They also want their children to take extra-curricular activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet or other classes that will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is the better it is .So parents will spend ...
Two other photos by Man Ray are already among the most expensive ever to be sold at auction.Noire et Blanche(1926) sold for $3.13 million at a Christie’s Paris auction in 2017 andPortrait of a Tearful Woman(1936)sold for $2.17 million by Christie’s New Yorkin May 2017. ...
Getty The home was recently snapped up in 2020 for a record-breaking USD$232 million, marking the most expensive home ever sold in London and the entire UK. While Horage may not be a top choice for many collectors, we reckon they surely deserve some serious considerations as well. The ...