However, the pattern of the colors is very important. Solid color bettas are more expensive than fish with two colors, and multicolored spotted, and speckled types likegalaxy bettasand fancier koi fish are also more valuable. Betta fish have naturally bold and beautiful scales, which have been...
Prices for certain species can drop or rise quickly depends on supply and demand. New regulations where they are caught can drive the price up and successful captive spawning or new collection sites can drive the price down. 10 most expensive fish species ...
This is The MOST Expensive Lexus Model to Repair and Own! Be Aware! The Lexus LS460 is one of the Most expensive Lexus models to repair and own! I always mentioned that you should be careful with LS460s as they can get very expensive to repair. Today we take a look at a beautiful...
Back in a restaurant in Sydney, I saw a sign promoting a drink special that I was curious about. It had a picture of the drink and the special price, and then it had a higher price for Sundays and holidays. I wondered why that was, but didn’t give it much thought. Then in Melbo...
Expect to pay over $100 USD a pound for the meat, but it’s worth the price for the phenomenal taste. The bullet train between Shin-Osaka and Shin-Kobe Station takes only 13 minutes. For a less expensive ride that takes 20 minutes, board the JR Special Rapid from Osaka Station ...