that doesn’t mean everything in the game is cheap. For those farmers who like the finer things in life (Haley fans, I’m looking at you), this article lists the top 15 most expensive items you can buy in Stardew Valley.
All my travels, and copious amounts of iced coffee, have fueled my passion for creative writing. Gamer Since: 2012 Favorite Genre: RPG Currently Playing: Red Dead Redemption II Top 3 Favorite Games: Stardew Valley Bachelor Ratings (All Stardew Bachelors Ranked Worst To Best), The Sims 4...
Stardew Valley is one of thebest farming simulatorsand arguably the best one. Players are dropped off on a dilapidated farm, and they must restore it to a functioning state. There are also a bunch of other things to do, like get married, fish, and complete tasks for nearby villagers. Thu...
Even if you miss these two winter events, there’s still the Winter Feast in Stardew Valley. It happens on the 25th between 9am and 2pm. Mayor Lewis will send you a mail telling you who you’ll be playing secret Santa to on the 18th. The item you give the gift recipient at the Fe...
If you enjoyed Stardew Valley, but didn't like all that pesky relationship and story crap, and you also really love Euro Truck, then consider Farming Simulator 19. Proving that it really does take all kinds, this game lets you indulge in the pleasures of agriculture from the comfort of you...
As Finnish pro player Tomi "lurppis" Kovanen told me in 2015, “Without the item economy Counter-Strike would be smaller. … There would be less money [in esports], no Valve-sponsored majors, and no one-million-viewer grand finals. In hindsight, the addition of the skins has been the ...
There's been a lot of discussion lately around the current pricing situation for new console games and how digital releases more often than not is way more expensive than the physical version, but what kind of game will usually give you the feeling of a good investment (no matter the price...
The rest of the build is composed of premium parts that are within financial reason. You could always break the bank with a $300 case that has nothing more to offer than the Lian Li model we picked, but at that point we’re just going for the most expensive and not necessarily the be...
If you enjoyed Stardew Valley, but didn't like all that pesky relationship and story crap, and you also really love Euro Truck, then consider Farming Simulator 19. Proving that it really does take all kinds, this game lets you indulge in the pleasures of agriculture from the comfort of you...