Research and clinical experience has shown Berberine to be as effective in controlling diabetes as the prescription drug metformin.Berberine is one of the most powerful (literally) nootropic supplements on our List of Nootropics. Not only can Berberine help control diabetes, but you may find sugar ...
These 10 misconceptions hinder effective treatment and contribute to stigma, deterring seeking help and staying in treatment long enough. Facebook image: SB Arts Media/Shutterstock References Srivastava AB, Gold MS. Naltrexone: A History and Future Directions. Cerebrum. 2018 Sep 1;2018:ce...
2 You can find other natural remedies in my article about the most effective natural treatments for gas and bloating. Stress can also trigger indigestion, so trying to eat in a relaxed setting and learning to cope with stress better can help you avoid the pain in your rib cage that is ...
Smart people read and they read a lot. If you want to up your intelligence levels in all aspects of life — whether it be vocab, general knowledge, or even creativity — picking up a paperback is the simplest, most effective way to stimulate your brain. A study from ...
With Alcohol Awareness Month upon us, there’s an opportunity to refocus on this particular addiction, its causes, effective treatment, and recovery. Here’s how to help Offer support to loved ones It’s hard for anyone suffering from this condition to admit they have a problem. ...
These 10 misconceptions hinder effective treatment and contribute tostigma, deterring seeking help and staying in treatment long enough. Facebookimage: SB Arts Media/Shutterstock References Srivastava AB, Gold MS. Naltrexone: A History and Future Directions. Cerebrum. 2018 Sep 1;2018:cer-...