最危险的游戏(The Most Dangerous Game)简介: On his way to hunt jaguars in the Brazilian jungle, a professional hunter is marooned on remote island inhabited by a fellow hunter who pursues unusual game. 理查德·康奈尔的作品 相关书籍 《魔鬼脚历险记》The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot [PDF] ...
2.Introductiontothetext 1.Thesetting:whereandwhen?•AremoteislandnearBermudaTriangle •Fromthenoonofthefirstdaytothenightofthethirdday 2.Characters:•Zaroff:aCossackgeneralinCzaristRussia.Avid hunterofbiggame.Tryingtoseekexcitementandpleasurefromhuntingthemostdangerousgameintheworld:man •Rainsford:a...
李华山高级英语阅读作业the-most-dangerous-game-2012012488.pdf,The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell 最危险的游戏 文章赏析 【写在前面】《最危险的游戏》(The Most Dangerous Game)是美国 著名短篇小说家理查德·康奈尔(Richard Connell)的代表作,曾在 1924
内容提示: 最危险的游戏 理查德.康奈尔 Richard Connell 著 罗金佑 翻译 “离开这里向右——有个地方——是个大岛屿 ”惠特尼说。 “那是个相当神秘——” “那是什么岛啊 ”雷恩斯福德问。 “老航海图上叫它„船舶陷阱‟岛 ”惠特尼回答道。 “一个含有暗示的名字 是不是 让水手们有一种出奇恐惧的地方...
The Most Dangerous Game Rainsford. reputation—abadone." suggestedRainsford. wouldn'tliveinsuchaGod-forsakenintosailorlore,somehow.Didn'tyounoticeseemedabitjumpytoday?" strange,nowyoumentionit.EvenCaptain tough-mindedoldSwede,who'dgouptothedevilforalight...
The Most Dangerous Game (full text)(1)The Most Dangerous Richard Connell (1893-1949)"OFF THERE to the right--somewhere--is a large island," said Whitney."It's rather a mystery--""What island is it?" Rainsford asked."The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,"' Whitney ...
Discover The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell. Learn about the short story's significance by analyzing key characters, themes, symbolism, and...
TheMostDangerousGame 原文和翻译(精品文档) The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell "General," said Raiford firmly, "I wish to leave this island at once. The general raised his eyebrows; he seemed hurt. "But, my dear fellow," the general protested, "you've only just come. You've had...