车行至此,只能前进,无法后退,由西向东盘旋而下,时速不得超过5英里,有“世界上最弯曲的街道(The Most Crooked Street…waterandi.blog.sohu.com|基于1 个网页 2. 世界上最弯曲的道路 ...曲花巷,因为街道太陡,所以改为弯曲的单行道,被称为世界上最弯曲的道路(the most crooked street),道路旁的花圃种满 …blo...
Vermont Street, also in San Francisco, and Snake Alley in Burlington, Iowa are two other famous streets claimed to be the crookedest street in the world. 9. Abbey Road yudun / Flickr Abbey Road is located in the north of London. The Abbey Road Studios, located at the south-eastern end...
Virginia: The Crooked Road Bluegrass and country music fans, this 300-mile roadway is for you.The Crooked Roadtravels through the Appalachian Mountains, connecting major heritage music venues. Notable sites include the Birthplace of Country Music Museum and the Blue Ridge Music Center & Museum. Ins...
There's a road calledSnake Alley- the "crookedest street in the world" (or so they say). It's a fun little attraction in this small Iowa town...but was originally built to tackle a hill that was too steep for a straight road. Even back in the day they knew it was a crazy uniq...
“Yeh, well that’s what I’m good at,” Hardy responds through a crooked smile. I have few knocks onThe Take, although I have to mention the show’s laughable opening credits. Perhaps to draw in viewers with fireworks, perhaps just out of poor British taste, the show’s seriousness ...
W hen Chetmer scarce arri ves in her m ost wished Bay, But Blahwater comes in , through man y a crooked w ay , 1 10 W h ic h Pa nt w as c all'd o f yore b u t th at, by Ti me exil'd, after high t th eShe Froshwell , n Blah water in st il' d...