Americans consume over 6.4 billion gallons of beer per year. Check out our color-coded maps here to see which states drink the most!
Looking at things from the perspective of total gallons of beer consumed, the data largely mirrors population ranks. RankStateGallons Overall 1California727.3M 2Texas618.1M 3Florida420.1M 4New York321.1M 5Pennsylvania307.9M 6Illinois253.4M
January 6, 2023byLukas Halim Beer is a popular alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, such as barley, wheat, and oats. It is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world, with a history dating back to ancient civilizations. The brewing process inv...
In 2022, Montana rankedsecondin the nation for per capita beer consumption, with1.58 gallons of ethanolconsumed per person every year. For perspective, that’s just behind New Hampshire, which topped the list at1.66 gallons. But let’s be we need tobeat New Hampshire? We’re to...
Yanjing beer is produced by the Beijing Yanjing Brewery, located in China’s capital. The brewery began production in 1980, and it reached a production capacity of 57.1 million hectoliters in 2013. This state-owned brewery is the 3rdlargest brewery in China, and Yanjing beer enjoys popularity...
As part of the 2016 Cellar Reserve series, Double Vision Doppelbock's "slightly burnt caramel flavor and malt sweetness" could very well double one's vision if not consumed responsibly. Add Reader's Digest#1 rankand opinion that the double-moose labeled lager is a "good any season beer," ...
Wine is the second most-consumed alcohol worldwide, only behind beer. Well, apparently Granite Staters are boosting the numbers in the wine category. Getty Images, Canva I saw a report from a Vine Pairarticlethat listed New Hampshire as the third largest consumer of wine in the United State...
aYeasts are, without any doubt, the most exploited microorganisms known and S. cerevisiae strains, the most representative yeast genus, are involved in the production of some important products consumed by human race such as bread, wine, beer, and distilled drinks. 酵母是,没有任何疑义,被剥削的...
Market intelligence and search startup My Telescope reported on PR Newswire today that new data highlighting the most searched Emmy-nominated TV shows by state came out. Things have switched around. About a month ago "Better call Saul" was in the lead for people watching it all across the na...
Twizzlers were first produced in 1845 by Young & Smylie, and the first flavor was licorice. Did you know that Hershey’s makes 1 million miles of Twizzlers annually? The U.S. delegation reportedly consumed at least 10 pounds of strawberry Twizzlers during the Iran nuclear talks in 2015. #...