you can write down numbers, letters (Greek if you’reδυσάρεστος), and mathematical operators and eventually you’ll have the longest equation ever written down. So if you really want to see the most complicated equation ever, call in sick for a few weeks. A better question...
30 A calculus based proof for E=mc^2【基于微积分的E=mc^2证明】 13:23 A very interesting differential equation derivative equals composition 06:44 Einstein's proof for E=mc^2 in about 4 minutes【爱因斯坦用大约4分钟证明了E=mc^2】 04:17 Complex Analysis what is a contour integral【复分析...
Geometry Recreational Mathematics Calculus and Analysis History and Terminology Topology Discrete Mathematics Number Theory New in MathWorld Created, developed & nurtured byEric Weissteinwith contributions from the world's mathematical community See also: ...
This paper makes an attempt to determine the most appropriate equation for mathematical interpretation of kinetics of the SASA mine rougher Pb - Zn flotation.Blagoj GolomeovBoris KrstevFaculty of Mining and geology, Stip, Macedonia30th International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations ...
Euler’s identity is an equality found in mathematics that has been compared to a Shakespearean sonnet and described as “the most beautiful equation.” It is a special case of a foundational equation in complex arithmetic called Euler’s Formula, which the late great physicist Richard Feynman ca...
In addition to the classical and real rays, which are defined by the normal to the slowness surfaces, it is obtained complex rays, which are associated to specific inhomogeneous plane waves. Referring to the complex Christoffel's equation and to the Fermat's principle, an intrinsic equation can...
Transformers are very powerful, and also very complex. They use a dense feedforward network as a sub-neural net inside the encoder and decoder components. They also demand considerable computing power. Adversarial networks One of the most interesting newer ideas is the adversarial network, which pi...
Adjust all sunflowers' position towards the sun as shown in equation 5. While True: Calculate the movement direction of the fitness function as a vector for all individuals. Remove the worst m% of sunflowers. Calculate the process of individuals moving towards the sun as shown in equation 6....
In this problem, we take the derivative of the equation and set it equal to 0. Since the analytic solution is extraordinarily complex to compute, we identify the range of the function values and plot the function to allow for a guess-and-check approach to the critical point identification...
3.7.1. Partial differential equation SurveyJuliaPDE/SurveyofPDEPackages: Survey of the packages of the Julia ecosystem for solving partial differential equations SciML/DiffEqOperators.jl: Linear operators for discretizations of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML) vavrines/Kinetic....