German is, of course, the official language of Germany. Unlike other European counterparts, it’s mostly spoken within Europe, with only Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Luxembourg having sizeable German-speaking populations. That said, learning German is incredibly popular relative to its smal...
I have some very sad news: they are all irregular verbs whose conjugation is particular to each one. In a certain sense, this is logical: the most frequently used verbs are often the most mistreated by their speakers. They have been used so much that they have been “deteriorated”. Verb...
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brack. 1. Children under 18 ___(not allow) to watch this show without their parents. 2. We ___(pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month. 3. A: What language ___(speak) in Germany? B: Most ...
As with learning vocabulary for any given language, the most efficient way to begin learning kanji is tolearn the most commonly used words and practice with thematic sets, such as foods, colors, numbers, common verbs, etc. As you work through new grammar and vocabulary sets (perhaps through ...
There are 7 cases (and 2 additional rarely used ones) of the nouns in the Lithuanian language. The verbs have only 4 tenses, however. There is singular and plural. Unlike in English (but like in most other languages) there are genders, with each word being either masculine or feminine. ...
activebasecapdayedgefarmGermanhappyimportantJohnsonlatermanagedneckoldestparallelreachsatteachupvillagewearyouth activitybaseballcapitaldeadeducationfarmerGermanyharborimpossiblejoinLatinmannerneededonparentreadsatellitesteacheruponVirginiaweighyou've actualbasiccaptaindealEdwardfarthergethardimprovejoinedlaughmanufacturingneedleonc...
Rote memorization is how English irregular verbs are taught (to 11-year-olds) where I come from. Many have obvious German cognates, and often these are irregular in the same ways, but there are way too many exceptions for this to be reliable. Unobvious cognates were never pointed out; I...
german fixed finished facts doesn't companies carefully assistance team takes stations shape require previous philosophy patient otherwise opening named marked mark loss governor financial distribution died capital allowed winter watch variety strange stated spread significant relatively musical crisis concept ...