In this guide, we will discuss some commonly used commands that are useful for experienced sysadmin or a beginner. After following this guide, users will be able to operate the Linux system confidently. For better organization, these commands are grouped under three sections –file system,networkin...
Over the years,Bashhas become one of the most popular and widely used command-line interpreters onmany Linux distributionsand macOS (untilCatalina, after which it was replaced byzsh). Bashprovides users with the ability to run commands, navigate the file system, and run scripts. Users can harn...
the commands should be separated with two ampersands or semicolons. As an example, let’s measure the execution times of the watch, ps, and pwd commands:time watch /home/directory/path; ps; pwd +x
As of 2024, JavaScript and HTML/CSS were the most commonly used programming languages among software developers around the world, with more than 62 percent of respondents stating that they used JavaScript and just around 53 percent using HTML/CSS. Python, SQL, and TypeScript rounded out the top...
Everyday Git in twenty commands or so githelpeveryday Show helpful guides that come with Git githelp-g Overwrite pull git fetch --all&&git reset --hard origin/master List of all files till a commit git ls-tree --name-only -r<commit-ish> ...
12 Essential Curl Commands Generate Code Snippets for Curl Examples Example Convert your Curl Examples request to thePHP,JavaScript/AJAX,Node.js,Curl/Bash,Python,Java,C#/.NETcode snippets using the ReqBin code generator. Curl Examples Related examples and articles ...
To see what files are opened by processes whose names starts by “t” (telnetd…) and bash. And to see what files are opened by init use the following commands: # lsof -c t # lsof -c bash # lsof -c init Example To see what files are opened by processes whose names starts by “...
curl -L > ~/.git-completion.bash && echo '[ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ] && . ~/.git-completion.bash' >> ~/.bashrcWhat changed since two weeks?git log --no-merges --raw --since='2 weeks ago'Alternatives:...
MySQL commonly used 30 kinds of SQL query optimization methods | MySQL is too slow? Try these diagnostic ideas and tools MySQL table partitioning: A thorough understanding of MySQL partitioning You can allow more data to be stored in one table, breaking through disk restrictions or file system...
Shell scripting, or the use of commands arranged to execute a series of Linux command line apps, is common. Variables can be passed, and jobs can also be programmed to execute a script at certain times. This cheat sheet contains the most commonly-used Linux commands for remote servers, ...