If the dataset from the Kepler mission is any indication, the most common type of exoplanets in our galaxy aren’t Earth-sized rocky worlds or hot Jupiters. In fact, the most common type of exoplanet isn’t one that we see in our own neighborhood at all. “Perhaps the most remarkable ...
Since the first exoplanet was confirmed orbiting a sunlike star in 1995, scientists have discovered over 5,000 of these distant worlds. More than half of these discoveries were made by NASA's Kepler space telescope, which launched in 2009 to determine how common Earth-like planets are through...
The science of exoplanets—worlds beyond our solar system—has thus far focused more on quantity than …AccessScience Editors
Italian researchers have demonstrated experimentally for the first time that microorganisms can photosynthesise using the infrared-dominated light emitted by the most common type of star in the Milky Way. The results from the Star Light Simulator, presented at the Europlanet Sci...
These six planets belong to the cold and massive Jupiter population, and four of them populate its eccentric tail. In this respect, HD 80869 b stands out as having one of the most eccentric orbits, with an eccentricity of 0.862−0.018+0.028. These planets can thus help to better constrai...
Udayanga D, Liu X, McKenzie EHC, Chukeatirote E, Bahkali AHA, Hyde KD (2011) The genus Phomopsis: Biology, applications, species concepts and names of common phytopathogens. Fungal Divers 50:189–225 Article Google Scholar Udayanga D, Liu X, Crous PW, McKenzie EH, Chukeatirote E, ...
Martig et al. (2016) mapped the correlations46of stellar masses with ASPCAP [N/Fe] using machine learning. Their ‘predicted’ masses of the common sources in our sample are plotted as the grey dots. The red and blue dots are Li-rich RC and RGB stars in our sample, respectively. The...
Image of starlight on exoplanet. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) The closest potentially habitable planet may not be so habitable after all. The atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b could have been whisked away from strong winds blowing from its star. It is just one of dozens of rocky ...
stars: solar-typetechniques: high angular resolutiontechniques: interferometrictechniques: photometricUsing the known detection limits for high-resolution imaging observations and the statistical properties of true binary and line-of-sight companions, we estimate the binary fraction of Kepler exoplanet host ...
the LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor; Forterre, 1996a). Over the last several years, a few authors have suggested that life on our planet might have arisen at high temperatures and that LUCA was itself a hyperthermophile (i.e., thriving at temperatures close to the boiling point of ...