Currently, the most popular last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 2,442,977 people who have the surname. The surname Smith occurs roughly 828 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. The table below shows the most common last names with statistics on the heritage and ancest...
But now that we have briefly explored the origins of names, let’s take a look at 50 of the most popular and common last names in the United States. SURNAMERANKFREQUENCY (COUNT)PROPORTION PER 100,000 POPULATION SMITH12,442,977828.2
Currently, the most popular white last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 1,732,071 people who have the surname. The surname Smith occurs roughly 828 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. You can use the links below to view more common white last names. This page is ...
But there are still regional differences. If you are in the Northwest, you are more likely to come across an Anderson than a Brown, which is slightly more common on the East Coast. Only the Southwestern portion of the country really has a lot of variety. States like Texas, California, Ne...
“Khan” is the 17thmost common surname in the world. It is primarily associated with the Muslim community although it is also found among other communities such as Rajputs who may have adopted the name through marriage or other social ties. ...
Even after that calculation, it was clear that although many first names come in and out of fashion, surnames tend to change at a much slower rate. America’s most common surname by a mile is Smith — 2.5 million Americans have it, ahead of 2 million with the surname Johnson. ...
So as of 2020,Smith is still the most common surname name in the U.S.(It has held this distinction since 1850). You’ll probably notice thatmost of the common last names in the U.S. are Anglophone--i.e. British in origin--and they mostly preserve the 15th/16th-century tradition of...
the Ministry of Public Security of China has launched an online platform where one can check the number of duplicate names used within the country. According to the platform,here are the top 10 most common surname and given name combinations in China and the number of individuals with that com...
Known for his work on US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, fourth presidentJames Madisonhas 24 place names sprinkled throughout the United States that carry his surname. The largest city is the capital of Wisconsin, which has 243,122 people living there. ...
While Smith remains the most common U.S. surname, for the first time, two Hispanic names—Garcia and Rodriguez—made the top 10. In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. Garcia leapfrogged from ...