Letters can be called common if they make a frequent component or repeating if they appear more than once in a word. I know this has been done before but here’s my take:5 best wordle starting guesses to maximize your chance of getting at least one correct letter: ARISEADIEUATONEAROSE...
I just noticed that we crossed the 50,000 point in our submissions system sometime in the last month. I thought it might be fun to do a quick analysis of the most popular story titles in that pile. Here’s the results: 1st Place – 18 ...
Common times are six minutes for White and five for Black, or five minutes for White and four for Black. This can also be played with a small increment. This is also known as "time odds" and it is used in various tie breaks for quick tournaments. BOBBY FISCHER - Wikipedia. Bobby ...
Wordle tips and tricks: Choose a good starter word which contains at least three vowel (元音) letters. The goal of the starting guess is to narrow down the options for the remaining 5 guesses. Using three vowels is a great way to achieve that.4 ...