Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of thesetop 100 common last namesfrom the 2000 and 2010 censuses? The following list of the most commonly occurring surnames in America includes details on each name's origin and meaning. It's ...
The best known and thoroughly researched area with the presence of surnames of Polish origin is in the region of the Ruhr Coal Basin on the present territory of Germany.doi:10.1063/1.3450321KowalskiMariuszŚleszyńskiPrzemysławWestern Review...
Janina=Jane, Jonas=John, Antanas=Anthony) but the names of themedieval Lithuanian leadersand their wives are also common (Vytautas, Gediminas, Mindaugas, Birutė). Moreover, some ordinary words are today used as names (e.g. Rasa=Dew). ...
More than one American pop culture event in the mid-'70s may have sparked a few trendy parents' interest in the unique name Lem. In 1977, theCalifornia rock band Lemlaunched their album "Machines" and Polish sci-fi writerStanislaw Lem's short story collection"The Star Diaries" was first p...
Though William is an old, pretty common name, there's an interesting story as to how it first became really popular. According toBehind the Name,William "became extremely popular in England after William the Conqueror was recognized as the first Norman king of England in the 11th century." ...
Although it is one of the five most common surnames in China, Chen—a gender-neutral name meaning "dawn" or "morning"—is a rare first name in the U.S., given to just five babies in 1982. 1983: Kent Canva 1983: Kent The third installment of the Superman franchise hit the big scre...
Things got off to a noisome start on Stadium 2, as Andy Murray and Jiri Vesely  set about establishing the heroically excremental tone that would saturate the day. Murray generally struggles at Indian Wells, although one strives in vain to tease a common element out of his various losses...