This episode is important for anyone who suffers a mental health disorder, and those seeking to optimise their brain function through diet and nutrition. You will learn specific science backed protocols to prevent brain disease and optimise the brain for performance, memory and focus. 本期节目的...
Alcohol addiction is a very common and complex disease. Alcohol addicted patients have a high risk for developing comorbid psychiatric disorder. Methods. In the present study, we explored symptom expression and severity for the most common comorbid mental disorders in Slovenian alcohol addicted patients...
Some groups of people were more likely to have mental disorders overall or even specific types. For example, ADHD and any mental disorders were more common among those with a lower socioeconomic status and anxiety disorder was more common among those with a higher...
Both men and women are equally susceptible to suffering from a mental health disorder. However, for men, the subject of mental health has remained a more of a taboo one. Most menmay feel they need to be strong, tough and hold their feelings inside. However, this will only make their men...
depression will be thesecond most common cause of disability in the world, subsequent only to heart disease. Mood disorders (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.) are thethird most common causeof hospitalization in the U.S.Ninety percent of individualswho die by suicide have a mental ...
Seasonal depression, which medical professionals callseasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is depression that occurs only at a certain time of the year, usually in winter. It is sometimes called the winter blues. Although SAD is predictable, it can be very severe. ...
Mental Health A therapist on grief and parasocial relationships 'Sorry Paris – but ADHD isn't a "superpower"' How we lost our collective ability to focus Please stop with the whole 'slim arm' thing DCC Victoria gets real about her mental health now ...
Memory loss is a common disorder among many people all over the world. If you suffer from memory loss in the New Jersey area, you should visit theNeurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures. When most people experience memory loss, their minds go racing towards the extreme and they start thin...
Anxiety disorders--defined by extreme fear,restlessness,and muscle tension-are carefully considering,disabling,and can increasethe risk for and self-murder.They are some of the most common mental health conditions around the world,affecting around fo
Language matters. “Mental” health has very little to do with our minds. A nervous system that is stuck in a state of fight, flight, or freeze will present the same exact symptoms as clinical depression or pathological anxiety. But a nervous system response isnot...