- 637 German verb conjugations with a total of 83743 conjugation pairs - Add your own words and tags with instant auto-translate for faster adding - Definitive Articles for all nouns - Core features are free forever, while extra features can be unlocked by in-app purchases ...
When learning German, beginners often fear the compound nouns of the language. It’s true that German is quick to put words together to form new ones, but in basic conversation and daily life, there are certainly expressions, sayings and phrases that stand out because they’re used a lot. ...
Here, we've compiled a list of the 100 most common English words to get you started. Nouns time person year way day thing man world life hand part child eye woman place work week case point government company number group problem fact Verbs be have do say get make go know take see...
3000 MOST COMMON WORDS IN ENGLISH3000个最常见的英语单词With 2,500 to 3,000 words, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace. The remaining 10% you'll be able to learn from context, or ask questions...
Adj.1.most- (superlative of `many' used with count nouns and often preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the greatest in number; "who has the most apples?"; "most people like eggs"; "most fishes have fins" superlative- an exaggerated expression (usually of praise); "the critics lavish...
Common nounsin French Here are the words that contain our ideas and the concepts we want to address: common nouns, also known as substantives. 1. homme – man 2. mari – husband 3. femme – woman/wife 4. jour – day 5. mer – sea ...
-ness () A suffix used to form abstract nouns expressive of quality or state; as, goodness, greatness. Nesslerize (v. t.) To treat or test, as a liquid, with a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide and potassium hydroxide, which is called Nessler's solution or Nessler's test...
[men] <pluralizing suffix for pronouns and nouns referring to persons>;我们wǒmen we;人们rénmen people, persons 为(為) [wèi] for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection[wéi] do, act, act as, be, become;认为rènwéi think or believe that...;以为yǐwéi think or believ...
Common Loan Words Arubaito アルバイト --- part-time job (from German arbeit) Enjin エンジン --- engine Gamu ガム --- chewing gum Kamera カメラ --- camera Garasu ガラス --- glass Karendaa カレンダー --- calendar Terebi テ
Here is a list of common nouns that you can use with make in this way: arrangement choice comment decision effort enquiry journey mistake noise plan point promise remark sound speech suggestion tour trip visit Don't use 'make' when you are talking generally about action, rather than referring...